When seeking financing for your business, you may encounter gatekeepers. Gatekeepers are advisors who work for institutional investors. If an institutional investor has little or [Read More…]
If your business needs additional capital to cover its operational costs, you may assume that a home equity line of credit (HELOC) is a smart [Read More…]
If your business uses invoices to collect payments from customers, you may want to use invoice discounting as a financing solution. It’s not the same [Read More…]
You don’t have to take on debt to finance your business. While debt financing is always an option, many entrepreneurs prefer equity financing. With public [Read More…]
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has an extending lending program. According to a spokesperson for the SBA, it has provided over 1.6 million loans. [Read More…]
There are different types of loans that you can use to finance your business, most of which fall under the category of asset-based or cash-based [Read More…]
Have you heard of debt-to-equity ratio? Not to be confused with loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, it represents financing sources. You can finance your business, of course, [Read More…]
No matter what type of business you operate, it can probably benefit from a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis. A SWOT analysis explores [Read More…]
Is lack of capital restricting your business’s growth? All businesses need capital to grow. When seeking capital, though, you might be wondering whether to choose [Read More…]
Buyouts are common in the corporate world. Even if a company isn’t publicly traded, an investment firm may purchase a controlling interest in it. This [Read More…]
Have you heard of capital structure? It’s a financing concept that nearly all types of businesses use. Whether you have a small business, medium-sized business [Read More…]